Fiona Tan – Inventory @ MAXXI Roma

Fiona Tan – Inventory @ MAXXI

“Roma è una città ricca di storia, abitata da resti archeologici e rovine architettoniche. Il luogo ideale per approfondire la relazione tra gli oggetti e la memoria” Fiona Tan. Al MAXXI fino all’8 settembre 2013, a mostra presenta in anteprima mondiale l’ultima opera di Fiona Tan, Inventory, insieme ad altri suoi importanti lavori video: Correction, Disorient and Cloud Island.

“Rome is a city rich in history, inhabited by archaeological remains and architectural ruins. The ideal place for investigating the relationship between objects and memory” Fiona Tan. This exhibition, at MAXXI until September 8th, presents the worldwide debut of Fiona Tan’s latest work, Inventory, and a further three important video works by the artist: Correction, Disorient and Cloud Island.

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