Simone Bertuzzi (b. Piacenza, 1983) and Simone Trabucchi (b. Piacenza, 1982) have been working together under the pseudonym Invernomuto since 2003. Moving images and sounds are the main tools they adopt when dealing with a precise, but wide variety of media. Invernomuto investigate sub-culture universes using different media in which common speech is both a sign of affection and a way to move closer to oral cultures and contemporary mythologies that are observed but also directly experienced. The declared inauthenticity of the materials they use plays a fundamental role in this process, which emphasizes the false and kitsch character of the mystifications by which they are inspired. Invernomuto has won numerous awards, including being finalists for the Furla Art Award in Bologna in 2013 and winning the MERU ART*SCIENCE Award at the GAMEC (Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery) in Bergamo. In 2014, they took part in Berlinale Talents in Berlin and received MIBAC funding to finish their first full-length film Negus, which was released in March 2016. Both artists also produce music individually, performing under the names Palm Wine and STILL.
Invernomuto – MUSEION PRIZE 1