Julia Frank – MUSEION PRIZE 1

Julia Frank graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Carrara in 2012 and was awarded a prize by the German-Italian Institute for her ONE&ONE project, created in New York and exhibited simultaneously in Bolzano. From 2013 to 2015 she attended a Masters course at the Royal College of Art in London. Her work observes, investigates, and disrupts the social events that take place in public or private places. This confrontation with her environment takes place through an assessment of its cultural, ecological, and urban meaning, which is often converted into time and site specific works. The artist calls into question the mechanisms that move our social systems and asks how aware are we of them really? Experimenting with various media, her work focuses on the issues of development and change. She restyles and reinterprets items from the collective imagination in a renewed and radical format. The roots of Julia Frank’s works are buried deep in popular culture, and pose questions that invite the viewer to identify with or express their opinions for or against this shared space.

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