Verena Dengler – MUSEION PRIZE 1

Verena Dengler has studied at the Wiener Kunstschule, the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna, and the Slade School of Art at University College London. In her work Dengler focuses intensely on the role of the artist in the art world and in everyday life. Self-representation plays a central role, as can be seen, for example, from the numerous allusions to her name in the titles of her works. Through self-reflection she investigates concepts of authenticity, originality, and authorship, questioning hierarchies, stereotypes, and social roles. Her work covers a wide variety of media, from drawings, pictures, and sculptures to installations. Her repertoire also includes performances: In 2010, she took part in Tanja Widmann’s Hard Currency Revaluation at MANIFESTA 8, and in 2014, in Performance Proletarians organized by Lili Reynaud-Dewar and Benjamin Valenza in Grenoble. In 2016, she performed her Black Widows in collaboration with Janina Audick and Sachiko Hara at the MAK in Vienna as part of the Friedrich Kiesler—Lebenswelten exhibition. Verena Dengler has also written articles on art published in “frieze d/e” and “Texte zur Kunst”.



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